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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

[UG] Adam's Venture: The Search For The Lost Garden (2009)

Deciphering relics in an old Templar Church, Adam uncovers memoirs written long ago by a crusader who fought with Richard the Lion heart in the Holy lands. The memoirs tell of a mysterious place with labyrinths of caves and grottos guarding the headwaters of four great rivers. Could this place be the legendary Lost Garden of Eden? This discovery sets off a great adventure that will bring Adam through familiar places through the Holy Lands, accompanied by Professor Jacques Saint Omair, his Girlfriend Evelyn and his ever faithful Dog, the team embarks on an epic adventure fraught with mystery and intrigue and danger in their quest to find the legendary birthplace of Humanity.


* First game of the episodic series
* Rich and involving storyline that weaves a classic adventure with biblical overtones
* Physically interact with objects and your surroundings, to really absorb yourself into the atmosphere
* Challenging puzzles and action oriented game-play brings a whole new depth and feel to the adventure genre

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